Algorithms_in_C++ 1.0.0
Set of algorithms implemented in C++.
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 Binary Insertion Sort Algorithm (Insertion Sort)
 Implementation of Bogosort algorithm
 Bubble sort algorithm.
 Comb Sort Algorithm (Comb Sort)
 Counting Inversions using Merge Sort
 Implementation of Cycle sort algorithm.
 Implementation of the DNF sort implementation.
 Implementation of gnome sort algorithm.
 Heap Sort Algorithm (heap sort) implementation
 Insertion Sort Algorithm (Insertion Sort)
 Algorithm that combines insertion sort and merge sort. Wiki link
 Merege Sort Algorithm (MEREGE SORT) implementation
 pancake sort sorts a disordered stack of pancakes by flipping any number of pancakes using a spatula using minimum number of flips.
 Implementation of [Pigeonhole Sort algorithm] (
 Quick sort implementation in C++
 Implementation Details.
 Quick Sort without recursion. This method uses the stack instead. Both recursive and iterative implementations have O(n log n) best case and O(n^2) worst case.
 Algorithm of Radix sort
 Implementation of the Random Pivot Quick Sort algorithm.
 This is an implementation of a recursive version of the Bubble sort algorithm
 Implementation of the Selection sort implementation using recursion.
 Shell sort algorithm
 Stooge sort implementation in C++
 Implementation of Strand Sort algorithm.
 Implementation of the Wave sort algorithm.
 [Wiggle Sort Algorithm] ( Implementation