Algorithms_in_C++ 1.0.0
Set of algorithms implemented in C++.
Files | |
0_1_knapsack.cpp | |
Implementation of [0-1 Knapsack Problem] ( | |
abbreviation.cpp | |
Implementation of Abbrievation | |
armstrong_number.cpp | |
Checks whether a number is an Armstrong Number or not. | |
coin_change_topdown.cpp | |
Minimum coins change problem is a problem used to find the minimum number of coins required to completely reach a target amount. | |
cut_rod.cpp | |
Implementation of cutting a rod problem. | |
house_robber.cpp | |
Implementation of House Robber Problem algorithm. | |
kadane2.cpp | |
Implementation of Kadane Algorithm | |
longest_common_string.cpp | |
contains the definition of the function longest_common_string_length | |
longest_increasing_subsequence.cpp | |
Calculate the length of the longest increasing subsequence in an array. | |
longest_palindromic_subsequence.cpp | |
Program to find the Longest Palindormic Subsequence of a string. | |
maximum_circular_subarray.cpp | |
C++ program for maximum contiguous circular sum problem using Kadane's Algorithm | |
minimum_edit_distance.cpp | |
Implementation of Minimum Edit Distance using Dynamic Programing. | |
palindrome_partitioning.cpp | |
Implements Palindrome Partitioning algorithm, giving you the minimum number of partitions you need to make. | |
shortest_common_supersequence.cpp | |
SCS is a string Z which is the shortest supersequence of strings X and Y (may not be continuous in Z, but order is maintained). | |
subset_sum.cpp | |
Implements [Sub-set sum problem] ( algorithm, which tells whether a subset with target sum exists or not. | |
trapped_rainwater.cpp | |
Implementation of the Trapped Rainwater Problem | |
word_break.cpp | |
Word Break Problem | |