Algorithms_in_C++ 1.0.0
Set of algorithms implemented in C++.
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 Program to return the Aliquot Sum of a number.
 Implementation to calculate an estimate of the number π (Pi).
 Implementations for the area of various shapes.
 C++ Program to find Binary Exponent Iteratively and Recursively.
 Program to calculate Binomial coefficients
 A C++ Program to check whether a pair of numbers is an amicable pair or not.
 A simple program to check if the given number is a factorial of some number or not.
 A simple program to check if the given number is Prime or not.
 An implementation of Complex Number as Objects.
 Compute double factorial: \(n!!\).
 The Sieve of Eratosthenes
 Implementation of Euler's Totient @description Euler Totient Function is also known as phi function.
 GCD using [extended Euclid's algorithm] (
 Find the factorial of a given number.
 Faster computation for \(a^b\).
 Generate fibonacci sequence.
 Faster computation of Fibonacci series.
 Computes N^th Fibonacci number given as input argument. Uses custom build arbitrary integers library to perform additions and other operations.
 This program computes the N^th Fibonacci number in modulo mod input argument .
 An algorithm to calculate the sum of Fibonacci Sequence: \(\mathrm{F}(n) + \mathrm{F}(n+1) + .. + \mathrm{F}(m)\).
 [Program to count digits in an integer](
 Compute the greatest common denominator of two integers using iterative form of Euclidean algorithm
 This program aims at calculating the GCD of n numbers by division method.
 Compute the greatest common denominator of two integers using recursive form of Euclidean algorithm
 Compute integral approximation of the function using Riemann sum
 Monte Carlo Integration
 Implementation of the inverse square root Root.
 Iterative implementation of Factorial
 Compute factorial of any arbitratily large number/.
 Library to perform arithmatic operations on arbitrarily large numbers.
 Algorithm to find largest x such that p^x divides n! (factorial) using Legendre's Formula.
 An algorithm to calculate the sum of LCM: \(\mathrm{LCM}(1,n) + \mathrm{LCM}(2,n) + \ldots + \mathrm{LCM}(n,n)\).
 A simple program to check if the given number is a magic number or not. A number is said to be a magic number, if the sum of its digits are calculated till a single digit recursively by adding the sum of the digits after every addition. If the single digit comes out to be 1,then the number is a magic number.
 An algorithm to divide two numbers under modulo p Modular Division
 C++ Program for Modular Exponentiation Iteratively.
 C++ Program to find the modular inverse using Fermat's Little Theorem
 Simple implementation of modular multiplicative inverse
 Implementation of the N-bonacci series.
 Combinations n choose r function implementation
 This program aims at calculating nCr modulo p.
 C++ Program to calculate the number of positive divisors.
 Implementations for the perimeter of various shapes.
 Compute powers of large numbers.
 Implementation to check whether a number is a power of 2 or not.
 Prime factorization of positive integers.
 Get list of prime numbers.
 Compute prime numbers upto 1 billion.
 Calculate quadratic equation with complex roots, i.e. b^2 - 4ac < 0.
 Compute statistics for data entered in rreal-time.
 Get list of prime numbers using Sieve of Eratosthenes.
 Calculate the square root of any positive real number in \(O(\log N)\) time, with precision fixed using bisection method of root-finding.
 This Programme returns the Nth fibonacci as a string.
 Algorithm to find sum of binomial coefficients of a given positive integer.
 A C++ Program to find the Sum of Digits of input integer.
 Calculates the Cross Product and the magnitude of two mathematical 3D vectors.
 Implmentations for the volume of various 3D shapes.