Algorithms_in_C++ 1.0.0
Set of algorithms implemented in C++.
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Cmachine_learning::aystar_search::AyStarSearch< Puzzle >A class defining A* search algorithm. for some initial state and final state
 Cbinary_search_tree< T >The Binary Search Tree class
 Coperations_on_datastructures::reverse_binary_tree::BinaryTreeA Binary Tree class that implements a Binary Search Tree (BST) by default
 Cothers::iterative_tree_traversals::BinaryTreeDefines the functions associated with the binary tree
 Cdata_structures::BitsetSimple bitset implementation for bloom filter
 Cdata_structures::BloomFilter< T >Bloom filter template class
 Cbinary_search_tree< T >::bst_nodeA struct to represent a node in the Binary Search Tree
 Cothers::recursive_tree_traversals::BTBT used to make the entire structure of the binary tree and the functions associated with the binary tree
 Coperations_on_datastructures::circular_linked_list::CircularLinkedListA class that implements a Circular Linked List
 CCompare< S, T, E >Comparator class for priority queue
 Cmachine_learning::aystar_search::AyStarSearch< Puzzle >::comparison_operatorCustom comparator for open_list
 CComplexClass Complex to represent complex numbers as a field
 CdsuDisjoint sets union data structure, class based representation
 CEasterYearMonthDayFor IO operations
 Cmachine_learning::aystar_search::EightPuzzle< N >A class defining EightPuzzle/15-Puzzle game
 CFCFS< S, T, E >Class which implements the FCFS scheduling algorithm
 Crange_queries::fenwick_treeThe class that initializes the Fenwick Tree
 Cbacktracking::generate_parenthesesGenerate_parentheses class
 Cprobability::geometric_dist::geometric_distributionA class to model the geometric distribution
 Cgraph::Graph< T >
 Cgraph::is_graph_bipartite::GraphClass for representing graph as an adjacency list
 Cgreedy_algorithms::dijkstra::GraphWrapper class for storing a graph
 Chashing::sha256::HashContains hash array and functions to update it and convert it to a hexadecimal string
 Chash_chainChain class with a given modulus
 Cciphers::HillCipherImplementation of Hill Cipher algorithm
 Cgraph::HKGraphRepresents Bipartite graph for Hopcroft Karp implementation
 Cmachine_learning::aystar_search::AyStarSearch< Puzzle >::InfoStruct that handles all the information related to the current state
 Cmachine_learning::k_nearest_neighbors::KnnK-Nearest Neighbors (Knn) class using Euclidean distance as distance metric
 Cdata_structures::list_array::list< N >Structure of List with supporting methods
 CListNodeFor IO operations
 Cothers::lru_cache::LRUCacheLRU cache class
 Cdivide_and_conquer::strassens_multiplication::Matrix< T, typename >Matrix class
 Cmath::ncr_modulo_p::NCRModuloPClass which contains all methods required for calculating nCr mod p
 Cdata_structures::tree_234::Node2-3-4 tree node class
 Cdata_structures::trie_using_hashmap::Trie::NodeStruct representing a trie node
 CNode< ValueType >
 Coperations_on_datastructures::circular_linked_list::NodeA Node struct that represents a single Node in a Binary Tree
 Coperations_on_datastructures::inorder_traversal_of_bst::NodeA Node structure representing a single node in BST
 Coperations_on_datastructures::reverse_binary_tree::NodeA Node struct that represents a single node in a Binary Tree
 Cothers::iterative_tree_traversals::NodeDefines the structure of a node of the tree
 Cothers::recursive_tree_traversals::NodeThe structure to hold Nodes of the tree
 Csearch::sublist_search::NodeA Node structure representing a single link Node in a linked list
 CNode< value_type >
 Cstrings::boyer_moore::patternA structure representing all the data we need to search the preprocessed pattern in text
 Crange_queries::perSegTreeRange query here is range sum, but the code can be modified to make different queries like range max or min
 Cciphers::elliptic_curve_key_exchange::PointDefinition of struct Point
 Cqueue< ValueType >
 Cdata_structures::queue_using_array::Queue_ArrayQueue_Array class containing the main data and also index of head and tail of the array
 Cdata_structures::SegmentTree< T >Class representation of the segment tree
 Crange_queries::heavy_light_decomposition::SG< X >Segment Tree, to store heavy chains
 Cdata_structures::Stack< T >Class representation of a stack
 Cdata_structures::stack_using_queue::StackStack Class implementation for basic methods of Stack Data Structure
 Cothers::postfix_expression::StackCreates an array to be used as stack for storing values
 Cstack< ValueType >For std::invalid_argument
 Cstatistics::stats_computer1< T >
 Cstatistics::stats_computer2< T >
 CTestCaseSingle example inputs and expected output of the function longest_common_string_length
 CTestCasesClass encapsulating the necessary test cases
 Coperations_on_datastructures::trie_operations::TnodeClass defining the structure of trie node and containing the methods to perform operations on them
 Cdata_structures::treap::TreapStruct representation of the treap
 Crange_queries::heavy_light_decomposition::Tree< X >A Basic Tree, which supports binary lifting
 Cdata_structures::tree_234::Tree2342-3-4 tree class
 Cdata_structures::trie_using_hashmap::TrieTrie class, implementation of trie using hashmap in each trie node for all the characters of char16_t(UTF-16)type with methods to insert, delete, search, start with and to recommend words based on a given prefix
 Cdata_structures::trieTrie implementation for small-case English alphabets a-z
 Cstd::true_type [external]
 Cuint128_tClass for 128-bit unsigned integer
 Cuint256_tClass for 256-bit unsigned integer
 Cprobability::windowed_median::WindowedMedianA class to calculate the median of a leading sliding window at the back of a stream of integer values