TheAlgorithms/C++ 1.0.0
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No Matches
operations_on_datastructures::trie_operations::Tnode Class Reference

Class defining the structure of trie node and containing the methods to perform operations on them. More...

Collaboration diagram for operations_on_datastructures::trie_operations::Tnode:

Public Member Functions

 Tnode (const Tnode &node)
Tnodeoperator= (const Tnode &node)=default
 Tnode (Tnode &&)=default
Tnodeoperator= (Tnode &&)=default
uint8_t numberOfChildren (Tnode *node)
 Function to count the number of children a node in the trie has.
void Insert (const std::string &entry)
 Function to insert a word in the trie.
void Delete (std::string entry)
 Function to verify presence and hence delete an entry from the trie.
void DeleteFrom (Tnode *delete_from, std::string delete_string, int remove_index)
 Function recursively deletes the substring character by character iterating through the string to be deleted. It traverses till the end of word in a recursive fashion, from there it deletes characters one by one till it reaches back to the initial call.
bool SearchPresence (const std::string &key)
 Function to check a word's presence in the trie (Basic)
void SuggestAutocomplete (Tnode *new_root, const std::string &prefix)
 Recursive function to suggest all the entries of trie which have a given common prefix.
void SearchSuggestions (const std::string &key)
 Lists out all the words in trie with the longest prefix of the search key that is present in the trie. For example - if trie contains "abc", "abcde", "abcdefg", "abcddef" and if the search key is "abcdezz", then the longest common prefix is "abcde" and hence search results will be "abcde", "abcdefg".
void SuggestFreqAutocomplete (Tnode *new_root, const std::string &prefix, std::priority_queue< std::pair< int, std::string > > *suggestions)
 Recursive function to suggest most frequently searched entries of trie which have a given common prefix.
void SearchFreqSuggestions (const std::string &key)
 Lists out the most frequent words in trie with the longest prefix of the search key that is present in the trie. For example - if trie contains "abc", "abcde", "abcdefg", "abcddef" and they have been previously searched for 3, 1, 2, 4 times respectively, if the search key is "ab", then the longest common prefix is "ab" and only the top 3 frequencies among the matches would be displayed viz. "abcddef", "abc", "abcdefg".
void SelectionTop_3 (std::priority_queue< std::pair< int, std::string > > *suggestions)
 Function to display the 3 suggestions with highest frequency of search hits.

Private Attributes

std::vector< Tnode * > english
bool endOfWord
uint32_t frequency

Static Private Attributes

static constexpr uint8_t ENGLISH_ALPHABET_SIZE = 26

Detailed Description

Class defining the structure of trie node and containing the methods to perform operations on them.

Definition at line 37 of file trie_multiple_search.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Tnode() [1/2]

operations_on_datastructures::trie_operations::Tnode::Tnode ( )

Definition at line 50 of file trie_multiple_search.cpp.

50 {
51 english.resize(ENGLISH_ALPHABET_SIZE, nullptr);
52 endOfWord = false;
53 frequency = 0;
54 }

◆ Tnode() [2/2]

operations_on_datastructures::trie_operations::Tnode::Tnode ( const Tnode & node)

Definition at line 56 of file trie_multiple_search.cpp.

56 {
57 english = node.english;
58 endOfWord = node.endOfWord;
59 frequency = node.frequency;
60 }

◆ ~Tnode()

operations_on_datastructures::trie_operations::Tnode::~Tnode ( )

Definition at line 93 of file trie_multiple_search.cpp.

93 {
94 int i = 0;
95 for (i = 0; i < ENGLISH_ALPHABET_SIZE; i++) {
96 if (english[i]) {
97 delete english[i];
98 }
99 }
100 }

Member Function Documentation

◆ Delete()

void operations_on_datastructures::trie_operations::Tnode::Delete ( std::string entry)

Function to verify presence and hence delete an entry from the trie.

entrystring entry to be deleted from the trie

Definition at line 153 of file trie_multiple_search.cpp.

153 {
154 Tnode *cur_pos = this,
155 *delete_from = this; // Current pointer pointing to root
156 int letter_index = 0, delete_from_index = 0, i = 0, n = entry.size();
158 for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
159 // To ignore case
160 letter_index = tolower(entry[i]) - 97;
162 // Display error message when given entry is not present in the tree
163 if (cur_pos->english[letter_index] == nullptr) {
164 std::cout << "Entry not Found" << std::endl;
165 return;
166 }
167 // If the current node is end of word for the current prefix or if it
168 // has 2 or more branches It cannot be deleted while deleting the
169 // required entry.
170 if (numberOfChildren(cur_pos) > 1 || cur_pos->endOfWord) {
171 delete_from = cur_pos; // denotes the beginning of the shortest
172 // suffix that is allowed to be deleted
173 delete_from_index = i - 1; // Beginning index of the suffix
174 // corresponding to the 'entry'
175 }
177 // Traversing through the entry
178 cur_pos = cur_pos->english[letter_index];
179 }
181 // cur_pos now points to the last char of entry. Display message if that
182 // entry does not exist
183 if (!cur_pos->endOfWord) {
184 std::cout << "Entry not Found" << std::endl;
185 return;
186 }
188 // If cur_pos is not a leaf node, unmark end of word and assign 0 to it's
189 // frequency for deletion
190 if (numberOfChildren(cur_pos)) {
191 cur_pos->endOfWord = false;
192 cur_pos->frequency = 0;
193 return;
194 }
196 // The first character of the suffix to be deleted
197 letter_index = tolower(entry[delete_from_index + 1]) - 97;
198 // Point cur_pos to the next node
199 cur_pos = delete_from->english[letter_index];
200 // Sever the connection from the main trie
201 delete_from->english[letter_index] = nullptr;
203 // If number of characters in the suffix are more than 1, recursively delete
204 // each character starting from cur_pos using the helper function
205 if (n > delete_from_index + 2) {
206 DeleteFrom(cur_pos, entry, delete_from_index + 2);
207 }
208 // If the suffix is only 1 char in length
209 else {
210 delete cur_pos;
211 }
void DeleteFrom(Tnode *delete_from, std::string delete_string, int remove_index)
Function recursively deletes the substring character by character iterating through the string to be ...
uint8_t numberOfChildren(Tnode *node)
Function to count the number of children a node in the trie has.

◆ DeleteFrom()

void operations_on_datastructures::trie_operations::Tnode::DeleteFrom ( Tnode * delete_from,
std::string delete_string,
int remove_index )

Function recursively deletes the substring character by character iterating through the string to be deleted. It traverses till the end of word in a recursive fashion, from there it deletes characters one by one till it reaches back to the initial call.

delete_fromthe acting root to the required suffix to be deleted
delete_stringthe string to be deleted from the trie
remove_indexindex denoting the beginning of the substring to be deleted

Definition at line 137 of file trie_multiple_search.cpp.

138 {
139 if (delete_string.size() == remove_index) {
140 int letter_index = tolower(delete_string[remove_index]) - 97;
142 DeleteFrom(delete_from->english[letter_index], delete_string,
143 remove_index + 1);
145 delete delete_from;
146 }

◆ Insert()

void operations_on_datastructures::trie_operations::Tnode::Insert ( const std::string & entry)

Function to insert a word in the trie.

entrystring entry to be inserted in the trie

Definition at line 107 of file trie_multiple_search.cpp.

107 {
108 Tnode *cur_pos = this;
109 int letter_index = 0;
111 for (auto &i : entry) {
112 // To ignore case
113 letter_index = tolower(i) - 97;
115 // Allocate a node for each character of entry if not present in the
116 // trie
117 if (cur_pos->english[letter_index] == nullptr) {
118 cur_pos->english[letter_index] = new Tnode();
119 }
121 cur_pos = cur_pos->english[letter_index];
122 }
123 // cur_pos points to the last char, mark it as end of word
124 cur_pos->endOfWord = true;

◆ numberOfChildren()

uint8_t operations_on_datastructures::trie_operations::Tnode::numberOfChildren ( Tnode * node)

Function to count the number of children a node in the trie has.

nodea trie node whose children need to be counted
count of the number of children of the given node (max 26)

Definition at line 72 of file trie_multiple_search.cpp.

72 {
74 std::count(node->english.begin(), node->english.end(), nullptr);
75 }

◆ SearchFreqSuggestions()

void operations_on_datastructures::trie_operations::Tnode::SearchFreqSuggestions ( const std::string & key)

Lists out the most frequent words in trie with the longest prefix of the search key that is present in the trie. For example - if trie contains "abc", "abcde", "abcdefg", "abcddef" and they have been previously searched for 3, 1, 2, 4 times respectively, if the search key is "ab", then the longest common prefix is "ab" and only the top 3 frequencies among the matches would be displayed viz. "abcddef", "abc", "abcdefg".

keythe string key to be searched for suggestions

Definition at line 368 of file trie_multiple_search.cpp.

368 {
369 Tnode *cur_pos = nullptr, *prev_pos = nullptr;
370 cur_pos = prev_pos = this; // maintaining 2 pointers, initialized to root
371 int letter_index = 0;
372 std::string prefix =
373 ""; // variable storing the updated value of longest common prefix
374 std::priority_queue<std::pair<int, std::string> >
375 suggestions; // max heap to store (frequency, word) in descending order
376 // of freq
378 std::priority_queue<std::pair<int, std::string> > *Suggestions =
379 &suggestions;
381 for (auto &i : key) {
382 letter_index = tolower(i) - 97;
383 prev_pos = cur_pos; // Previous pointer updated to point to the last
384 // char of the longest common prefix
386 // When the node for the character does not exist, longest prefix has
387 // been determined and SuggestFreqAutocomplete is called
388 if (cur_pos->english[letter_index] == nullptr) {
389 SuggestFreqAutocomplete(prev_pos, prefix, Suggestions);
390 // To display the top 3 results
391 SelectionTop_3(Suggestions);
392 std::cout << "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "
393 << std::endl;
394 return;
395 }
396 // Updating the longest common prefix
397 prefix += char(tolower(i));
398 cur_pos = cur_pos->english[letter_index];
399 }
400 // If the key is a valid entry of trie, display it @ top of the suggestions
401 if (cur_pos->endOfWord) {
402 (cur_pos->frequency)++;
403 std::cout << key << std::endl;
404 }
406 (void)prev_pos; // Idiom to ignore previous pointer
408 // Call for Suggestions when the search key is present as an entry/a prefix
409 // in the trie
410 SuggestFreqAutocomplete(cur_pos, prefix, Suggestions);
411 // Display the top 3 results
412 SelectionTop_3(Suggestions);
414 std::cout << "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "
415 << std::endl;
416 return;
void SuggestFreqAutocomplete(Tnode *new_root, const std::string &prefix, std::priority_queue< std::pair< int, std::string > > *suggestions)
Recursive function to suggest most frequently searched entries of trie which have a given common pref...
void SelectionTop_3(std::priority_queue< std::pair< int, std::string > > *suggestions)
Function to display the 3 suggestions with highest frequency of search hits.

◆ SearchPresence()

bool operations_on_datastructures::trie_operations::Tnode::SearchPresence ( const std::string & key)

Function to check a word's presence in the trie (Basic)

keythe string key to be searched in the trie
true if the key is found
false if the key is not found

Definition at line 220 of file trie_multiple_search.cpp.

220 {
221 Tnode *cur_pos = this;
222 int letter_index = 0;
224 for (auto &i : key) {
225 letter_index = tolower(i) - 97;
226 // If any character in the order of the key is absent, word not found!
227 if (cur_pos->english[letter_index] == nullptr) {
228 return false;
229 }
230 cur_pos = cur_pos->english[letter_index];
231 }
232 // Word is only present in the trie if the key is a valid complete entry and
233 // not just a prefix.
234 if (cur_pos->endOfWord) {
235 (cur_pos->frequency)++;
236 return true;
237 } else {
238 return false;
239 }

◆ SearchSuggestions()

void operations_on_datastructures::trie_operations::Tnode::SearchSuggestions ( const std::string & key)

Lists out all the words in trie with the longest prefix of the search key that is present in the trie. For example - if trie contains "abc", "abcde", "abcdefg", "abcddef" and if the search key is "abcdezz", then the longest common prefix is "abcde" and hence search results will be "abcde", "abcdefg".

keythe string key to be searched for suggestions

Definition at line 274 of file trie_multiple_search.cpp.

274 {
275 Tnode *cur_pos = nullptr, *prev_pos = nullptr;
276 cur_pos = prev_pos = this; // maintaining 2 pointers, initialized to root
277 int letter_index = 0;
278 std::string prefix =
279 ""; // variable storing the updated value of longest common prefix
281 for (auto &i : key) {
282 letter_index = tolower(i) - 97;
283 prev_pos = cur_pos; // Previous pointer updated to point to the last
284 // char of the longest common prefix
286 // When the node for the character does not exist, longest prefix has
287 // been determined and SuggestAutocomplete is called
288 if (cur_pos->english[letter_index] == nullptr) {
289 SuggestAutocomplete(prev_pos, prefix);
290 std::cout << "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "
291 << std::endl;
292 return;
293 }
294 // Updating the longest common prefix
295 prefix += char(tolower(i));
296 cur_pos = cur_pos->english[letter_index];
297 }
298 // If the key is a valid entry of trie, display it @ top of the suggestions
299 if (cur_pos->endOfWord) {
300 std::cout << key << std::endl;
301 (cur_pos->frequency)++;
302 }
304 (void)prev_pos; // Idiom to ignore previous pointer
306 // Call for suggestions when the search key is present as an entry/a prefix
307 // in the trie
308 SuggestAutocomplete(cur_pos, prefix);
309 std::cout << "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "
310 << std::endl;
311 return;
void SuggestAutocomplete(Tnode *new_root, const std::string &prefix)
Recursive function to suggest all the entries of trie which have a given common prefix.

◆ SelectionTop_3()

void operations_on_datastructures::trie_operations::Tnode::SelectionTop_3 ( std::priority_queue< std::pair< int, std::string > > * suggestions)

Function to display the 3 suggestions with highest frequency of search hits.

suggestionsa max heap that contains pairs of (frequency, word) heapified based on frequency

Definition at line 320 of file trie_multiple_search.cpp.

321 {
322 // Display Either top 3 or total number of suggestions, whichever is smaller
323 int n = suggestions->size(), Top = 0;
324 Top = n < 3 ? n : 3;
325 while (Top--) {
326 std::cout << suggestions->top().second << std::endl;
327 suggestions->pop();
328 }

◆ SuggestAutocomplete()

void operations_on_datastructures::trie_operations::Tnode::SuggestAutocomplete ( Tnode * new_root,
const std::string & prefix )

Recursive function to suggest all the entries of trie which have a given common prefix.

new_rootpointer pointing to the node corresponding to the last char of prefix
prefixthe common prefix that all the suggestions must have

Definition at line 249 of file trie_multiple_search.cpp.

249 {
250 // Iterate through all 26 nodes as we have to print all strings with the
251 // given prefix
252 int i = 0;
253 for (i = 0; i < ENGLISH_ALPHABET_SIZE; i++) {
254 if (new_root->english[i] != nullptr) {
255 // Print the sugestion only if it's a valid complete entry and not
256 // just a prefix
257 if (new_root->english[i]->endOfWord) {
258 std::cout << prefix + char(i + 97) << std::endl;
259 }
261 SuggestAutocomplete(new_root->english[i], prefix + char(i + 97));
262 }
263 }

◆ SuggestFreqAutocomplete()

void operations_on_datastructures::trie_operations::Tnode::SuggestFreqAutocomplete ( Tnode * new_root,
const std::string & prefix,
std::priority_queue< std::pair< int, std::string > > * suggestions )

Recursive function to suggest most frequently searched entries of trie which have a given common prefix.

new_rootpointer pointing to the node corresponding to the last char of prefix
prefixthe common prefix that all the suggestions must have
suggestionsa max heap that contains pairs of (frequency, word) heapified based on frequency

Definition at line 340 of file trie_multiple_search.cpp.

342 {
343 int i = 0;
344 for (i = 0; i < ENGLISH_ALPHABET_SIZE; i++) {
345 if (new_root->english[i] != nullptr) {
346 // Add to sugestions only if it's a valid complete entry and not
347 // just a prefix
348 if (new_root->english[i]->endOfWord) {
349 suggestions->push(std::make_pair(
350 new_root->english[i]->frequency, prefix + char(i + 97)));
351 }
353 SuggestFreqAutocomplete(new_root->english[i], prefix + char(i + 97),
354 suggestions);
355 }
356 }

Member Data Documentation

◆ endOfWord

bool operations_on_datastructures::trie_operations::Tnode::endOfWord

Definition at line 44 of file trie_multiple_search.cpp.

◆ english

std::vector<Tnode *> operations_on_datastructures::trie_operations::Tnode::english

Definition at line 41 of file trie_multiple_search.cpp.


uint8_t operations_on_datastructures::trie_operations::Tnode::ENGLISH_ALPHABET_SIZE = 26

Definition at line 39 of file trie_multiple_search.cpp.

◆ frequency

uint32_t operations_on_datastructures::trie_operations::Tnode::frequency

Definition at line 47 of file trie_multiple_search.cpp.

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