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TheAlgorithms/C++ 1.0.0
All the algorithms implemented in C++
►Nbacktracking | For vector container |
►Nciphers | Algorithms for encryption and decryption |
►Ndata_structures | For IO operations |
►Ndivide_and_conquer | For std::vector |
►Ndouble_hashing | An implementation of hash table using double hashing algorithm |
►Ngeometry | For std::swap |
►Ngraph | Graph Algorithms |
►Ngreedy_algorithms | For string class |
►Nhashing | Used for assert |
►Nlinear_probing | An implementation of hash table using linear probing algorithm |
►Nmachine_learning | A* search algorithm |
►Nmath | For assert |
►Noperations_on_datastructures | For std::vector |
►Nothers | For vector |
►Nprobability | Probability algorithms |
►Nquadratic_probing | An implementation of hash table using quadratic probing algorithm |
►Nrange_queries | For std::vector |
►Nsearch | For std::assert |
►Nstatistics | Statistical algorithms |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
►Nstrings | String algorithms |
►Cbinary_search_tree | The Binary Search Tree class |
CBtree | |
Ccatalan_numbers | Computes and caches Catalan numbers |
Ccll | |
CCompare | Comparator class for priority queue |
Ccompare | |
CComplex | Class Complex to represent complex numbers as a field |
CCycleCheck | |
Cdouble_linked_list | |
Cdsu | Disjoint sets union data structure, class based representation |
CEasterYearMonthDay | For assert |
CEdge | |
CFCFS | Class which implements the FCFS scheduling algorithm |
CGraph | |
Chash_chain | Chain class with a given modulus |
CItem | |
Clarge_number | |
Clinkedlist | |
Clist | |
CListNode | For IO operations |
CLongest_Substring | Class that solves the Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters problem |
CMinHeap | |
CMinHeapNode | |
Cmst | |
CNode | |
Cnode | |
CPoint | |
Cquery | |
CQueue | |
Cqueue | |
CRBtree | |
CSegmentIntersection | |
CSJF | Class which implements the SJF scheduling algorithm |
CSolution | |
Cstack | For std::invalid_argument |
Cstack_linkedList | |
CTestCase | Single example inputs and expected output of the function longest_common_string_length |
CTestCases | Class encapsulating the necessary test cases |
Ctower | |
►CTrie | |
Cuint128_t | Class for 128-bit unsigned integer |
Cuint256_t | Class for 256-bit unsigned integer |