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TheAlgorithms/C++ 1.0.0
All the algorithms implemented in C++
Na1z26 | Functions for A1Z26 encryption and decryption implementation |
Nabbreviation | Functions for Abbreviation implementation |
Nactivations | Various activation functions used in Neural network |
Natbash | Functions for the Atbash Cipher implementation |
Naystar_search | Functions for A* Search implementation |
Nbacktracking | For vector container |
Nbase64_encoding | Functions for Base64 Encoding and Decoding implementation |
Nbidirectional_dijkstra | Functions for [Bidirectional Dijkstra Shortest Path] (https://www.coursera.org/learn/algorithms-on-graphs/lecture/7ml18/bidirectional-dijkstra) algorithm |
Nbinomial | Functions for Binomial coefficients implementation |
Nbit_manipulation | For assert |
Nboruvkas_minimum_spanning_tree | Functions for the [Borůvkas Algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borůvka's_algorithm) implementation |
Nbubble_sort | Bubble sort algorithm |
Ncaesar | Functions for Caesar cipher algorithm |
►Nciphers | Algorithms for encryption and decryption |
Ncircular_linked_list | Functions for the Circular Linked List implementation |
Ncount_bits_flip | Functions for the count bits flip implementation |
Ncount_of_set_bits | Functions for the count sets bits implementation |
Ncount_of_trailing_ciphers_in_factorial_n | Functions for the Count the number of ciphers in n! implementation |
Ncut_rod | Implementation of cutting a rod problem |
Ncycle_detection | Functions for the Floyd's Cycle Detection algorithm |
Ncycle_sort | Functions for Cycle sort algorithm |
►Ndata_structures | For IO operations |
Ndepth_first_search | Functions for Depth First Search algorithm |
Ndisjoint_union | Functions for Disjoint union implementation |
Ndivide_and_conquer | For std::vector |
Ndnf_sort | Functions for the DNF sort implementation |
Ndouble_hashing | An implementation of hash table using double hashing algorithm |
Ndp | For std::vector |
Ndynamic_programming | Dynamic Programming algorithms |
Nexponential_dist | Functions for the Exponential Distribution algorithm implementation |
Nfalse_position | Functions for [False Position] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regula_falsi) method |
Nfibonacci | Functions for Fibonacci sequence |
Nfibonacci_sum | Functions for the sum of the Fibonacci Sequence: \(\mathrm{F}(n) + \mathrm{F}(n+1) + .. + \mathrm{F}(m)\) |
Nfind_non_repeating_integer | Functions to find the non repeating integer in an array of repeating integers. Single Number |
►Ngames | (Mini)game implementations |
Ngcd_of_n_numbers | Compute GCD of numbers in an array |
Ngeometric_dist | Functions for the Geometric Distribution algorithm implementation |
Ngeometry | For std::swap |
Ngram_schmidt | Functions for Gram Schmidt Orthogonalisation Process |
Ngraph | Graph Algorithms |
Ngraph_coloring | Functions for the Graph Coloring algorithm, |
Ngray_code | Generate n-bit Gray code |
►Ngreedy_algorithms | For string class |
Nground_to_ground_projectile_motion | Functions for the Ground to ground projectile motion equation |
Nhamming_distance | Functions for Hamming distance implementation |
Nhashing | Used for assert |
Nheavy_light_decomposition | Heavy light decomposition algorithm |
Nhorspool | Functions for Horspool's algorithm |
Nhouse_robber | Functions for the House Robber algorithm |
Ninorder_successor_of_bst | Functions for the Inorder successor of a binary search tree implementation |
Ninterpolation_search | Functions for the Recursive version of Inorder, Preorder, and Postorder Traversal of the Tree algorithm implementation |
Ninversion | Functions for counting inversions using Merge Sort algorithm |
Nis_graph_bipartite | Functions for checking whether a graph is bipartite or not |
Niterative_tree_traversals | Functions for the Traversal of the Tree algorithm |
Njarvis | Functions for Jarvis’s algorithm |
Nk_nearest_neighbors | Functions for the [K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-nearest_neighbors_algorithm) implementation |
Nkadane | Functions for Kadane algorithm |
Nkaratsuba_algorithm | Functions for the Karatsuba algorithm for fast multiplication implementation |
NKnapsack | Implementation of 0-1 Knapsack problem |
Nknight_tour | Functions for the Knight's tour algorithm |
Nlayers | This namespace contains layers used in MLP |
Nlinear_probing | An implementation of hash table using linear probing algorithm |
Nlinear_recurrence_matrix | Functions for Linear Recurrence Matrix implementation |
Nlinked_list | Functions for singly linked list algorithm |
Nlist_array | Functions for Dynamic Array algorithm |
Nlru_cache | Implementation of the LRU caching algorithm |
Nmachine_learning | A* search algorithm |
Nmagic_sequence | Functions for the Magic sequence implementation |
Nmanacher | Functions for Manacher's Algorithm implementation |
Nmath | For assert |
NMD5 | Functions for the MD5 algorithm implementation |
Nmedian_search | Functions for Median search algorithm |
Nmerge_insertion | Combined Intersion-Merge sorting algorithm |
Nmidpoint_rule | Functions for the Midpoint Integral method implementation |
Nmincoins_topdown | Functions for minimum coin exchange problem |
NMinimum | Implementation of Minimum Edit Distance algorithm |
Nmodular_division | Functions for Modular Division implementation |
Nmodular_inverse_fermat | Calculate modular inverse using Fermat's Little Theorem |
Nmonte_carlo | Functions for the Monte Carlo Integration implementation |
Nmorse | Functions for [Morse Code] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morse_code) |
Nn_bonacci | Functions for the N-bonacci implementation |
Nn_queens | Functions for Eight Queens puzzle |
Nn_queens_all_solutions | Functions for the Eight Queens puzzle with all solutions |
Nn_queens_optimized | Functions for Eight Queens puzzle optimized |
Nncr_modulo_p | Functions for nCr modulo p implementation |
Nneural_network | Neural Network or Multilayer Perceptron |
Nnumerical_methods | For assert |
Noperations_on_datastructures | For std::vector |
►Nothers | For vector |
Npalindrome_partitioning | Functions for Palindrome Partitioning algorithm |
Npancake_sort | Functions for Pancake sort algorithm |
Nphysics | For IO operations |
Npostfix_expression | Functions for Postfix Expression algorithm |
Nprefix_sum_array | Range sum queries using prefix-sum-array |
Nprobability | Probability algorithms |
Nqr_algorithm | Functions to compute QR decomposition of any rectangular matrix |
Nquadratic_probing | An implementation of hash table using quadratic probing algorithm |
Nqueue_using_array | Functions for [Queue using Array] (https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/array-implementation-of-queue-simple/) implementation |
Nquick_sort | Functions for the Quick sort implementation in C++ |
Nradix_sort | Functions for Radix sort algorithm |
Nrandom_pivot_quick_sort | Functions for the Random Pivot Quick Sort implementation |
Nrange_queries | For std::vector |
Nrat_maze | Functions for Rat in a Maze algorithm |
Nreverse_binary_tree | Functions for the Reverse a Binary Tree implementation |
Nrunge_kutta | Functions for Runge Kutta fourth order method |
Nsaddleback | Function for implementing Saddleback Algorithm |
Nsearch | For std::assert |
Nselection_sort_recursive | Functions for the Selection sort implementation using recursion |
NsetKthBit | Functions for the [From the right, set the Kth bit in the binary representation of N] (https://practice.geeksforgeeks.org/problems/set-kth-bit3724/1/) implementation |
NSHA | Functions for the SHA-1 algorithm implementation |
Nshortest_common_supersequence | Shortest Common Super Sequence algorithm |
Nsieve_of_eratosthenes | Functions for finding Prime Numbers using Sieve of Eratosthenes |
Nsimpson_method | Contains the Simpson's method implementation |
Nsorting | For working with vectors |
Nsparse_table | Functions for Implementation of Sparse Table |
Nspirograph | |
Nstack_using_queue | Functions for the Stack Using Queue implementation |
Nstatistics | Statistical algorithms |
Nstrand | Functions for Strand Sort algorithm |
Nstrassens_multiplication | Namespace for performing strassen's multiplication |
Nstring | String manipulation algorithms |
Nstring_search | String search algorithms |
►Nstrings | String algorithms |
Nsubarray_sum | Functions for the Subset sum implementation |
Nsublist_search | Functions for the Sublist Search implementation |
Nsubset_sum | Functions for [Sub-set sum problem] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subset_sum_problem) algorithm |
NSubsets | Functions for the Subset Sum problem |
Nsudoku_solver | Functions for the Sudoku Solver implementation |
Ntests | Testcases to check Union of Two Arrays |
Ntopological_sort | Topological Sort Algorithm |
NtravellingSalesman_bitmanipulation | Functions for the Travelling Salesman Bitmask implementation |
Ntree_234 | Functions for 2–3–4 tree |
Ntrie_operations | Functions for Trie datastructure implementation |
Ntrie_using_hashmap | Functions for Trie data structure using hashmap implementation |
Nutil_functions | Various utility functions used in Neural network |
Nutils | This namespace contains the definitions of the functions called from the class math::ncr_modulo_p::NCRModuloP |
Nvector_cross | Functions for Vector Cross Product algorithms |
Nvigenere | Functions for vigenère cipher algorithm |
Nwave_sort | Functions for the Wave sort implementation |
Nwiggle_sort | Functions for Wiggle Sort algorithm |
Nwildcard_matching | Functions for the Wildcard Matching problem |
Nwindowed_median | Functions for the Windowed Median algorithm implementation |
Nword_break | Functions for Word Break problem |
NXOR | Functions for XOR cipher algorithm |