Algorithms_in_C++ 1.0.0
Set of algorithms implemented in C++.
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 A buzz number is a number that is either divisible by 7 or has last digit as 7.
 Function to convert decimal number to binary representation.
 Convert decimal number to hexadecimal representation.
 This Programme Converts a given decimal number in the range [0,4000) to both Lower case and Upper case Roman Numeral.
 Read integers from stdin continuously as they are entered without waiting for the \n character.
 A happy number is a number whose sum of digits is calculated until the sum is a single digit, and this sum turns out to be 1.
 Iterative version of Preorder, Postorder, and preorder [Traversal of the Tree] (
 Efficient implementation for maximum contiguous subarray sum by Kadane's algorithm.
 Conversion from Kelvin to Celsius degrees.
 An implementation of LRU Cache. Lru is a part of cache algorithms (also frequently called cache replacement algorithms or cache replacement policies).
 Matrix Exponentiation.
 Check if a number is palindrome or not.
 Perform paranthesis matching.
 Pascal's triangle implementation.
 Evaluation of Postfix Expression
 Primality test implementation.
 Recursive version of Inorder, Preorder, and Postorder [Traversal of the Tree] (
 Get centre and radius of the smallest circle that circumscribes given set of points.
 Print the elements of a matrix traversing it spirally.
 This program is use to print the following pattern.
 Solve the Tower of Hanoi problem.
 A C++ program to demonstrate working of std::sort(), std::reverse()