
Sum of digits sequence Problem 551

Let a(0), a(1),… be an integer sequence defined by:

a(0) = 1 for n >= 1, a(n) is the sum of the digits of all preceding terms

The sequence starts with 1, 1, 2, 4, 8, … You are given a(10^6) = 31054319.

Find a(10^15)






add(digits, k, addend)

adds addend to digit array given in digits

compute(a_i, k, i, n)

same as next_term(a_i, k, i, n) but computes terms without memoizing results.

next_term(a_i, k, i, n)

Calculates and updates a_i in-place to either the n-th term or the

solution(→ int)

returns n-th term of sequence

Module Contents

project_euler.problem_551.sol1.add(digits, k, addend)

adds addend to digit array given in digits starting at index k

project_euler.problem_551.sol1.compute(a_i, k, i, n)

same as next_term(a_i, k, i, n) but computes terms without memoizing results.

project_euler.problem_551.sol1.next_term(a_i, k, i, n)

Calculates and updates a_i in-place to either the n-th term or the smallest term for which c > 10^k when the terms are written in the form:

a(i) = b * 10^k + c

For any a(i), if digitsum(b) and c have the same value, the difference between subsequent terms will be the same until c >= 10^k. This difference is cached to greatly speed up the computation.

Arguments: a_i – array of digits starting from the one’s place that represent

the i-th term in the sequence

k – k when terms are written in the from a(i) = b*10^k + c.

Term are calulcated until c > 10^k or the n-th term is reached.

i – position along the sequence n – term to calculate up to if k is large enough

Return: a tuple of difference between ending term and starting term, and the number of terms calculated. ex. if starting term is a_0=1, and ending term is a_10=62, then (61, 9) is returned.

project_euler.problem_551.sol1.solution(n: int = 10**15) int

returns n-th term of sequence

>>> solution(10)
>>> solution(10**6)
>>> solution(10**15)
project_euler.problem_551.sol1.memo: dict[int, dict[int, list[list[int]]]]