
Title : Calculating the speed of sound

Description :

The speed of sound (c) is the speed that a sound wave travels per unit time (m/s). During propagation, the sound wave propagates through an elastic medium.

Sound propagates as longitudinal waves in liquids and gases and as transverse waves in solids. This file calculates the speed of sound in a fluid based on its bulk module and density.

Equation for the speed of sound in a fluid: c_fluid = sqrt(K_s / p)

c_fluid: speed of sound in fluid K_s: isentropic bulk modulus p: density of fluid

Source :


speed_of_sound_in_a_fluid(→ float)

Calculates the speed of sound in a fluid from its density and bulk modulus

Module Contents

physics.speed_of_sound.speed_of_sound_in_a_fluid(density: float, bulk_modulus: float) float

Calculates the speed of sound in a fluid from its density and bulk modulus

Examples: Example 1 –> Water 20°C: bulk_modulus= 2.15MPa, density=998kg/m³ Example 2 –> Mercury 20°C: bulk_modulus= 28.5MPa, density=13600kg/m³

>>> speed_of_sound_in_a_fluid(bulk_modulus=2.15e9, density=998)
>>> speed_of_sound_in_a_fluid(bulk_modulus=28.5e9, density=13600)