
Longest Common Substring Problem Statement:

Given two sequences, find the longest common substring present in both of them. A substring is necessarily continuous.


abcdef and xabded have two longest common substrings, ab or de. Therefore, algorithm should return any one of them.


longest_common_substring(→ str)

Finds the longest common substring between two strings.

Module Contents

dynamic_programming.longest_common_substring.longest_common_substring(text1: str, text2: str) str

Finds the longest common substring between two strings.

>>> longest_common_substring("", "")
>>> longest_common_substring("a","")
>>> longest_common_substring("", "a")
>>> longest_common_substring("a", "a")
>>> longest_common_substring("abcdef", "bcd")
>>> longest_common_substring("abcdef", "xabded")
>>> longest_common_substring("GeeksforGeeks", "GeeksQuiz")
>>> longest_common_substring("abcdxyz", "xyzabcd")
>>> longest_common_substring("zxabcdezy", "yzabcdezx")
>>> longest_common_substring("OldSite:GeeksforGeeks.org", "NewSite:GeeksQuiz.com")
>>> longest_common_substring(1, 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: longest_common_substring() takes two strings for inputs