


Basic Hash Table example with open addressing using Quadratic Probing

Module Contents

class data_structures.hashing.quadratic_probing.QuadraticProbing(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: data_structures.hashing.hash_table.HashTable

Basic Hash Table example with open addressing using Quadratic Probing

_collision_resolution(key, data=None)

Quadratic probing is an open addressing scheme used for resolving collisions in hash table.

It works by taking the original hash index and adding successive values of an arbitrary quadratic polynomial until open slot is found.

Hash + 1², Hash + 2², Hash + 3² …. Hash + n²


e.g: 1. Create hash table with size 7 >>> qp = QuadraticProbing(7) >>> qp.insert_data(90) >>> qp.insert_data(340) >>> qp.insert_data(24) >>> qp.insert_data(45) >>> qp.insert_data(99) >>> qp.insert_data(73) >>> qp.insert_data(7) >>> qp.keys() {11: 45, 14: 99, 7: 24, 0: 340, 5: 73, 6: 90, 8: 7}

2. Create hash table with size 8 >>> qp = QuadraticProbing(8) >>> qp.insert_data(0) >>> qp.insert_data(999) >>> qp.insert_data(111) >>> qp.keys() {0: 0, 7: 999, 3: 111}

3. Try to add three data elements when the size is two >>> qp = QuadraticProbing(2) >>> qp.insert_data(0) >>> qp.insert_data(999) >>> qp.insert_data(111) >>> qp.keys() {0: 0, 4: 999, 1: 111}

4. Try to add three data elements when the size is one >>> qp = QuadraticProbing(1) >>> qp.insert_data(0) >>> qp.insert_data(999) >>> qp.insert_data(111) >>> qp.keys() {4: 999, 1: 111}