


Treap's node


erase(→ Node | None)

Erase element

inorder(→ None)

Just recursive print of a tree

insert(→ Node | None)

Insert element

interact_treap(→ Node | None)


main(→ None)

After each command, program prints treap

merge(→ Node | None)

We merge 2 trees into one.

split(→ tuple[Node | None, Node | None])

We split current tree into 2 trees with value:

Module Contents

class data_structures.binary_tree.treap.Node(value: int | None = None)

Treap’s node Treap is a binary tree by value and heap by priority

__repr__() str
__str__() str
left: Node | None = None
right: Node | None = None
data_structures.binary_tree.treap.erase(root: Node | None, value: int) Node | None

Erase element

Split all nodes with values less into left, Split all nodes with values greater into right. Merge left, right

data_structures.binary_tree.treap.inorder(root: Node | None) None

Just recursive print of a tree

data_structures.binary_tree.treap.insert(root: Node | None, value: int) Node | None

Insert element

Split current tree with a value into left, right, Insert new node into the middle Merge left, node, right into root

data_structures.binary_tree.treap.interact_treap(root: Node | None, args: str) Node | None

Commands: + value to add value into treap - value to erase all nodes with value

>>> root = interact_treap(None, "+1")
>>> inorder(root)
>>> root = interact_treap(root, "+3 +5 +17 +19 +2 +16 +4 +0")
>>> inorder(root)
>>> root = interact_treap(root, "+4 +4 +4")
>>> inorder(root)
>>> root = interact_treap(root, "-0")
>>> inorder(root)
>>> root = interact_treap(root, "-4")
>>> inorder(root)
>>> root = interact_treap(root, "=0")
Unknown command
data_structures.binary_tree.treap.main() None

After each command, program prints treap

data_structures.binary_tree.treap.merge(left: Node | None, right: Node | None) Node | None

We merge 2 trees into one. Note: all left tree’s values must be less than all right tree’s

data_structures.binary_tree.treap.split(root: Node | None, value: int) tuple[Node | None, Node | None]

We split current tree into 2 trees with value:

Left tree contains all values less than split value. Right tree contains all values greater or equal, than split value