
Convert a Decimal Number to a Binary Number.


decimal_to_binary_iterative(→ str)

Convert an Integer Decimal Number to a Binary Number as str.

decimal_to_binary_recursive(→ str)

Take an integer value and raise ValueError for wrong inputs,

decimal_to_binary_recursive_helper(→ str)

Take a positive integer value and return its binary equivalent.

Module Contents

conversions.decimal_to_binary.decimal_to_binary_iterative(num: int) str

Convert an Integer Decimal Number to a Binary Number as str. >>> decimal_to_binary_iterative(0) ‘0b0’ >>> decimal_to_binary_iterative(2) ‘0b10’ >>> decimal_to_binary_iterative(7) ‘0b111’ >>> decimal_to_binary_iterative(35) ‘0b100011’ >>> # negatives work too >>> decimal_to_binary_iterative(-2) ‘-0b10’ >>> # other floats will error >>> decimal_to_binary_iterative(16.16) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last):

TypeError: ‘float’ object cannot be interpreted as an integer >>> # strings will error as well >>> decimal_to_binary_iterative(‘0xfffff’) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last):

TypeError: ‘str’ object cannot be interpreted as an integer

conversions.decimal_to_binary.decimal_to_binary_recursive(number: str) str

Take an integer value and raise ValueError for wrong inputs, call the function above and return the output with prefix “0b” & “-0b” for positive and negative integers respectively. >>> decimal_to_binary_recursive(0) ‘0b0’ >>> decimal_to_binary_recursive(40) ‘0b101000’ >>> decimal_to_binary_recursive(-40) ‘-0b101000’ >>> decimal_to_binary_recursive(40.8) Traceback (most recent call last):

ValueError: Input value is not an integer >>> decimal_to_binary_recursive(“forty”) Traceback (most recent call last):

ValueError: Input value is not an integer

conversions.decimal_to_binary.decimal_to_binary_recursive_helper(decimal: int) str

Take a positive integer value and return its binary equivalent. >>> decimal_to_binary_recursive_helper(1000) ‘1111101000’ >>> decimal_to_binary_recursive_helper(“72”) ‘1001000’ >>> decimal_to_binary_recursive_helper(“number”) Traceback (most recent call last):

ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ‘number’