
The Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT, also called block-sorting compression) rearranges a character string into runs of similar characters. This is useful for compression, since it tends to be easy to compress a string that has runs of repeated characters by techniques such as move-to-front transform and run-length encoding. More importantly, the transformation is reversible, without needing to store any additional data except the position of the first original character. The BWT is thus a “free” method of improving the efficiency of text compression algorithms, costing only some extra computation.





dict() -> new empty dictionary


all_rotations(→ list[str])

bwt_transform(→ BWTTransformDict)

reverse_bwt(→ str)

Module Contents

class compression.burrows_wheeler.BWTTransformDict

Bases: TypedDict

dict() -> new empty dictionary dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object’s

(key, value) pairs

dict(iterable) -> new dictionary initialized as if via:

d = {} for k, v in iterable:

d[k] = v

dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs

in the keyword argument list. For example: dict(one=1, two=2)

bwt_string: str
idx_original_string: int
compression.burrows_wheeler.all_rotations(s: str) list[str]

s – The string that will be rotated len(s) times.


A list with the rotations.


TypeError – If s is not an instance of str.


>>> all_rotations("^BANANA|") 
['^BANANA|', 'BANANA|^', 'ANANA|^B', 'NANA|^BA', 'ANA|^BAN', 'NA|^BANA',
>>> all_rotations("a_asa_da_casa") 
['a_asa_da_casa', '_asa_da_casaa', 'asa_da_casaa_', 'sa_da_casaa_a',
'a_da_casaa_as', '_da_casaa_asa', 'da_casaa_asa_', 'a_casaa_asa_d',
'_casaa_asa_da', 'casaa_asa_da_', 'asaa_asa_da_c', 'saa_asa_da_ca',
>>> all_rotations("panamabanana") 
['panamabanana', 'anamabananap', 'namabananapa', 'amabananapan',
'mabananapana', 'abananapanam', 'bananapanama', 'ananapanamab',
'nanapanamaba', 'anapanamaban', 'napanamabana', 'apanamabanan']
>>> all_rotations(5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: The parameter s type must be str.
compression.burrows_wheeler.bwt_transform(s: str) BWTTransformDict

s – The string that will be used at bwt algorithm


the string composed of the last char of each row of the ordered

rotations and the index of the original string at ordered rotations list :raises TypeError: If the s parameter type is not str :raises ValueError: If the s parameter is empty Examples:

>>> bwt_transform("^BANANA")
{'bwt_string': 'BNN^AAA', 'idx_original_string': 6}
>>> bwt_transform("a_asa_da_casa")
{'bwt_string': 'aaaadss_c__aa', 'idx_original_string': 3}
>>> bwt_transform("panamabanana")
{'bwt_string': 'mnpbnnaaaaaa', 'idx_original_string': 11}
>>> bwt_transform(4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: The parameter s type must be str.
>>> bwt_transform('')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The parameter s must not be empty.
compression.burrows_wheeler.reverse_bwt(bwt_string: str, idx_original_string: int) str
  • bwt_string – The string returned from bwt algorithm execution

  • idx_original_string – A 0-based index of the string that was used to

generate bwt_string at ordered rotations list :return: The string used to generate bwt_string when bwt was executed :raises TypeError: If the bwt_string parameter type is not str :raises ValueError: If the bwt_string parameter is empty :raises TypeError: If the idx_original_string type is not int or if not possible to cast it to int :raises ValueError: If the idx_original_string value is lower than 0 or greater than len(bwt_string) - 1

>>> reverse_bwt("BNN^AAA", 6)
>>> reverse_bwt("aaaadss_c__aa", 3)
>>> reverse_bwt("mnpbnnaaaaaa", 11)
>>> reverse_bwt(4, 11)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: The parameter bwt_string type must be str.
>>> reverse_bwt("", 11)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The parameter bwt_string must not be empty.
>>> reverse_bwt("mnpbnnaaaaaa", "asd") 
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: The parameter idx_original_string type must be int or passive
of cast to int.
>>> reverse_bwt("mnpbnnaaaaaa", -1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The parameter idx_original_string must not be lower than 0.
>>> reverse_bwt("mnpbnnaaaaaa", 12) 
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The parameter idx_original_string must be lower than
>>> reverse_bwt("mnpbnnaaaaaa", 11.0)
>>> reverse_bwt("mnpbnnaaaaaa", 11.4)
compression.burrows_wheeler.entry_msg = 'Provide a string that I will generate its BWT transform: '