

The n queens problem is: placing N queens on a N * N chess board such that no queen can attack any other queens placed on that chess board. This means that one queen cannot have any other queen on its horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines.


To solve this problem we will use simple math. First we know the queen can move in all the possible ways, we can simplify it in this: vertical, horizontal, diagonal left and

diagonal right.

We can visualize it like this:

left diagonal = right diagonal = /

On a chessboard vertical movement could be the rows and horizontal movement could be the columns.

In programming we can use an array, and in this array each index could be the rows and each value in the array could be the column. For example:

. Q . . We have this chessboard with one queen in each column and each queen … Q can’t attack to each other. Q … The array for this example would look like this: [1, 3, 0, 2] . . Q .

So if we use an array and we verify that each value in the array is different to each other we know that at least the queens can’t attack each other in horizontal and vertical.

At this point we have it halfway completed and we will treat the chessboard as a Cartesian plane. Hereinafter we are going to remember basic math, so in the school we learned this formula:

Slope of a line:

y2 - y1

m = ———-

x2 - x1

This formula allow us to get the slope. For the angles 45º (right diagonal) and 135º (left diagonal) this formula gives us m = 1, and m = -1 respectively.


Then we have this other formula:

Slope intercept:

y = mx + b

b is where the line crosses the Y axis (to get more information see:, if we change the formula to solve for b we would have:

y - mx = b

And since we already have the m values for the angles 45º and 135º, this formula would look like this:

45º: y - (1)x = b 45º: y - x = b

135º: y - (-1)x = b 135º: y + x = b

y = row x = column

Applying these two formulas we can check if a queen in some position is being attacked for another one or vice versa.


depth_first_search(→ None)

n_queens_solution(→ None)

Module Contents

>>> boards = []
>>> depth_first_search([], [], [], boards, 4)
>>> for board in boards:
...     print(board)
['. Q . . ', '. . . Q ', 'Q . . . ', '. . Q . ']
['. . Q . ', 'Q . . . ', '. . . Q ', '. Q . . ']
backtracking.n_queens_math.n_queens_solution(n: int) None