sorts.insertion_sort ==================== .. py:module:: sorts.insertion_sort .. autoapi-nested-parse:: A pure Python implementation of the insertion sort algorithm This algorithm sorts a collection by comparing adjacent elements. When it finds that order is not respected, it moves the element compared backward until the order is correct. It then goes back directly to the element's initial position resuming forward comparison. For doctests run following command: python3 -m doctest -v For manual testing run: python3 Attributes ---------- .. autoapisummary:: sorts.insertion_sort.T sorts.insertion_sort.user_input Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: sorts.insertion_sort.Comparable Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: sorts.insertion_sort.insertion_sort Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: Comparable Bases: :py:obj:`Protocol` Base class for protocol classes. Protocol classes are defined as:: class Proto(Protocol): def meth(self) -> int: ... Such classes are primarily used with static type checkers that recognize structural subtyping (static duck-typing). For example:: class C: def meth(self) -> int: return 0 def func(x: Proto) -> int: return x.meth() func(C()) # Passes static type check See PEP 544 for details. Protocol classes decorated with @typing.runtime_checkable act as simple-minded runtime protocols that check only the presence of given attributes, ignoring their type signatures. Protocol classes can be generic, they are defined as:: class GenProto[T](Protocol): def meth(self) -> T: ... .. py:method:: __lt__(other: Any, /) -> bool .. py:function:: insertion_sort(collection:[T]) ->[T] A pure Python implementation of the insertion sort algorithm :param collection: some mutable ordered collection with heterogeneous comparable items inside :return: the same collection ordered by ascending Examples: >>> insertion_sort([0, 5, 3, 2, 2]) [0, 2, 2, 3, 5] >>> insertion_sort([]) == sorted([]) True >>> insertion_sort([-2, -5, -45]) == sorted([-2, -5, -45]) True >>> insertion_sort(['d', 'a', 'b', 'e', 'c']) == sorted(['d', 'a', 'b', 'e', 'c']) True >>> import random >>> collection = random.sample(range(-50, 50), 100) >>> insertion_sort(collection) == sorted(collection) True >>> import string >>> collection = random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k=100) >>> insertion_sort(collection) == sorted(collection) True .. py:data:: T .. py:data:: user_input