searches.double_linear_search_recursion ======================================= .. py:module:: searches.double_linear_search_recursion Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: search(list_data: list, key: int, left: int = 0, right: int = 0) -> int Iterate through the array to find the index of key using recursion. :param list_data: the list to be searched :param key: the key to be searched :param left: the index of first element :param right: the index of last element :return: the index of key value if found, -1 otherwise. >>> search(list(range(0, 11)), 5) 5 >>> search([1, 2, 4, 5, 3], 4) 2 >>> search([1, 2, 4, 5, 3], 6) -1 >>> search([5], 5) 0 >>> search([], 1) -1