physics.period_of_pendulum ========================== .. py:module:: physics.period_of_pendulum .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Title : Computing the time period of a simple pendulum The simple pendulum is a mechanical system that sways or moves in an oscillatory motion. The simple pendulum comprises of a small bob of mass m suspended by a thin string of length L and secured to a platform at its upper end. Its motion occurs in a vertical plane and is mainly driven by gravitational force. The period of the pendulum depends on the length of the string and the amplitude (the maximum angle) of oscillation. However, the effect of the amplitude can be ignored if the amplitude is small. It should be noted that the period does not depend on the mass of the bob. For small amplitudes, the period of a simple pendulum is given by the following approximation: T ≈ 2π * √(L / g) where: L = length of string from which the bob is hanging (in m) g = acceleration due to gravity (approx 9.8 m/s²) Reference : Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: physics.period_of_pendulum.period_of_pendulum Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: period_of_pendulum(length: float) -> float >>> period_of_pendulum(1.23) 2.2252155506257845 >>> period_of_pendulum(2.37) 3.0888278441908574 >>> period_of_pendulum(5.63) 4.76073193364765 >>> period_of_pendulum(-12) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The length should be non-negative >>> period_of_pendulum(0) 0.0