other.password ============== .. py:module:: other.password Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: other.password.alternative_password_generator other.password.is_strong_password other.password.main other.password.password_generator other.password.random Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: alternative_password_generator(chars_incl: str, i: int) -> str .. py:function:: is_strong_password(password: str, min_length: int = 8) -> bool This will check whether a given password is strong or not. The password must be at least as long as the provided minimum length, and it must contain at least 1 lowercase letter, 1 uppercase letter, 1 number and 1 special character. >>> is_strong_password('Hwea7$2!') True >>> is_strong_password('Sh0r1') False >>> is_strong_password('Hello123') False >>> is_strong_password('Hello1238udfhiaf038fajdvjjf!jaiuFhkqi1') True >>> is_strong_password('0') False .. py:function:: main() .. py:function:: password_generator(length: int = 8) -> str Password Generator allows you to generate a random password of length N. >>> len(password_generator()) 8 >>> len(password_generator(length=16)) 16 >>> len(password_generator(257)) 257 >>> len(password_generator(length=0)) 0 >>> len(password_generator(-1)) 0 .. py:function:: random(chars_incl: str, i: int) -> str