Here is a list of all documented functions, variables, defines, enums, and typedefs with links to the documentation:
- s -
- SA : client.c, server.c
- save_2d_data() : kohonen_som_topology.c
- save_nd_data() : kohonen_som_trace.c
- save_u_matrix() : kohonen_som_topology.c
- sdbm() : hash_sdbm.c
- search() : threaded_binary_trees.c, doubly_linked_list.c
- secant_method() : secant_method.c
- segment_tree : segment_tree.c
- segment_tree_build() : segment_tree.c
- segment_tree_dispose() : segment_tree.c
- segment_tree_init() : segment_tree.c
- segment_tree_print_int() : segment_tree.c
- segment_tree_query() : segment_tree.c
- segment_tree_update() : segment_tree.c
- selectionSort() : selection_sort.c, selection_sort_recursive.c
- semi_implicit_euler() : ode_semi_implicit_euler.c
- semi_implicit_euler_step() : ode_semi_implicit_euler.c
- sentinel_linear_search() : sentinel_linear_search.c
- set() : vector.c
- shell_sort() : sol1.c, shell_sort2.c
- shoot() : naval_battle.c
- show_capacity() : dynamic_stack.c
- show_data() : shell_sort2.c
- show_list() : non_preemptive_priority_scheduling.c
- shrink_array() : dynamic_stack.c
- shuntingYard() : shunting_yard.c
- sigma() : sol1.c
- sigma2() : sol1.c
- sign() : bisection_method.c
- single_test() : euclidean_algorithm_extended.c
- solve() : sudoku_solver.c
- spirograph() : spirograph.c
- st : infix_to_postfix2.c, postfix_evaluation.c
- stack_size() : dynamic_stack.c
- stats_computer1() : realtime_stats.c
- stats_computer2() : realtime_stats.c
- subString() : mcnaughton_yamada_thompson.c
- sum_of_divisors() : sol1.c
- sum_of_primes() : sol1.c
- swap() : bubble_sort.c, bubble_sort_recursion.c, heap_sort_2.c, merge_sort.c, odd_even_sort.c, selection_sort.c, selection_sort_recursive.c
- symbol() : roman_numerals_to_decimal.c