TheAlgorithms/C++ 1.0.0
All the algorithms implemented in C++
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
17#include <array>
18#include <cassert>
19#include <cstdint>
20#include <iostream>
26namespace data_structures {
32namespace list_array {
36template <uint64_t N>
37struct list {
38 std::array<uint64_t, N> data{}; // Array that implement list
39 uint64_t top = 0; // Pointer to the last element
40 bool isSorted = false; // indicator whether list is sorted or not
49 uint64_t BinarySearch(const std::array<uint64_t, N> &dataArr,
50 const uint64_t &first, const uint64_t &last,
51 const uint64_t &val) {
52 // If both pointer cross each other means no element present in the list
53 // which is equal to the val
54 if (last < first) {
55 return -1;
56 }
57 uint64_t mid = (first + last) / 2;
58 // check whether current mid pointer value is equal to element or not
59 if (dataArr[mid] == val)
60 return mid;
61 // if current mid value is greater than element we have to search in
62 // first half
63 else if (val < dataArr[mid])
64 return (BinarySearch(dataArr, first, mid - 1, val));
65 // if current mid value is greater than element we have to search in
66 // second half
67 else if (val > dataArr[mid])
68 return (BinarySearch(dataArr, mid + 1, last, val));
70 std::cerr << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": Undefined condition\n";
71 return -1;
72 }
80 uint64_t LinearSearch(const std::array<uint64_t, N> &dataArr,
81 const uint64_t &val) const {
82 // Going through each element in the list
83 for (uint64_t i = 0; i < top; i++) {
84 if (dataArr[i] == val) {
85 return i; // element found at ith index
86 }
87 }
88 // element is not present in the list
89 return -1;
90 }
92 /*
93 * @brief Parent function of binarySearch and linearSearch methods
94 * @param val element that will be searched
95 * @return index of element in the list if present else -1
96 */
97 uint64_t search(const uint64_t &val) {
98 uint64_t pos; // pos variable to store index value of element.
99 // if list is sorted, binary search works efficiently else linear search
100 // is the only option
101 if (isSorted) {
102 pos = BinarySearch(data, 0, top - 1, val);
103 } else {
104 pos = LinearSearch(data, val);
105 }
106 // if index is equal to -1 means element does not present
107 // else print the index of that element
108 if (pos != -1) {
109 std::cout << "\nElement found at position : " << pos;
110 } else {
111 std::cout << "\nElement not found";
112 }
113 // return the index of element or -1.
114 return pos;
115 }
121 void sort() {
122 // Going through each element in the list
123 for (uint64_t i = 0; i < top; i++) {
124 uint64_t min_idx = i; // Initialize the min variable
125 for (uint64_t j = i + 1; j < top; j++) {
126 // check whether any element less than current min value
127 if (data[j] < data[min_idx]) {
128 min_idx = j; // update index accordingly
129 }
130 }
131 // swap min value and element at the ith index
132 std::swap(data[min_idx], data[i]);
133 }
134 // mark isSorted variable as true
135 isSorted = true;
136 }
143 void insert(const uint64_t &val) {
144 // overflow check
145 if (top == N) {
146 std::cout << "\nOverflow";
147 return;
148 }
149 // if list is not sorted, insert at the last
150 // otherwise place it to correct position
151 if (!isSorted) {
152 data[top] = val;
153 top++;
154 } else {
155 uint64_t pos = 0; // Initialize the index variable
156 // Going through each element and find correct position for element
157 for (uint64_t i = 0; i < top - 1; i++) {
158 // check for the correct position
159 if (data[i] <= val && val <= data[i + 1]) {
160 pos = i + 1; // assign correct pos to the index var
161 break; // to get out from the loop
162 }
163 }
164 // if all elements are smaller than the element
165 if (pos == 0) {
166 pos = top - 1;
167 }
168 // shift all element to make a room for new element
169 for (uint64_t i = top; i > pos; i--) {
170 data[i] = data[i - 1];
171 }
172 top++; // Increment the value of top.
173 data[pos] =
174 val; // Assign the value to the correct index in the array
175 }
176 }
183 void remove(const uint64_t &val) {
184 uint64_t pos = search(val); // search the index of the value
185 // if search returns -1, element does not present in the list
186 if (pos == -1) {
187 std::cout << "\n Element does not present in the list ";
188 return;
189 }
190 std::cout << "\n"
191 << data[pos] << " deleted"; // print the appropriate message
192 // shift all the element 1 left to fill vacant space
193 for (uint64_t i = pos; i < top; i++) {
194 data[i] = data[i + 1];
195 }
196 top--; // decrement the top variable to maintain last index
197 }
203 void show() {
204 // Going through each element in the list
205 std::cout << '\n';
206 for (uint64_t i = 0; i < top; i++) {
207 std::cout << data[i] << " "; // print the element
208 }
209 }
210}; // structure list
211} // namespace list_array
212} // namespace data_structures
218static void test() {
221 // Insert testing
222 L.insert(11);
223 L.insert(12);
224 assert( == 2);
225 L.insert(15);
226 L.insert(10);
227 L.insert(12);
228 L.insert(20);
229 L.insert(18);
230 assert( == 7);
231; // To print the array
233 // Remove testing
234 L.remove(12); // Remove Duplicate value in the list
235 L.remove(15); // Remove the existing value in the list
236 assert( == 5);
237 L.remove(50); // Try to remove the non-existing value in the list
238 assert( == 5);
240 // LinearSearch testing
241 assert( == 0); // search for the existing element
242 assert( == 2);
243 assert( == -1); // search for the non-existing element
245 // Sort testing
246 L.sort();
247 assert(L.isSorted == true);
250 // BinarySearch testing
251 assert( == 1); // search for the existing element
252 assert( == 2);
253 assert( == -1); // search for the non-existing element
260int main() {
261 test(); // Execute the tests
262 return 0;
int data[MAX]
test data
static void test()
Test implementations.
int main()
Main function.
for IO operations
Functions for Dynamic Array algorithm.
for std::assert
Structure of List with supporting methods.
void show()
Utility function to print array.
uint64_t BinarySearch(const std::array< uint64_t, N > &dataArr, const uint64_t &first, const uint64_t &last, const uint64_t &val)
Search an element in the list using binarySearch.
void remove(const uint64_t &val)
To remove the element from the list.
void insert(const uint64_t &val)
Insert the new element in the list.
uint64_t LinearSearch(const std::array< uint64_t, N > &dataArr, const uint64_t &val) const
Search an element using linear search.